Nerve Pain & Neuropathy

Nerve-related pain, tingling, and even numbness are among the scariest and most frustrating foot and ankle problems commonly faced by Americans. With nerve pain, there’s no obvious source of the discomfort—and for many years, there was also no obvious solution.

Most people were forced to just accept that their pain would get worse and worse, until their nerves were completely shot and no longer responding at all. Over time, their ability to maintain an active lifestyle would be taken piece by piece—while their risk of severe wounds, infections, and complications (including amputation) would rise.

But it doesn’t have to be this way! Our goal at Sunshein Podiatry Associates is to use both traditional and state-of-the-art solutions, including Neurogenx, to not simply manage neuropathic pain, but actually restore nerve function for many patients.

Every day, we’re helping patients who have been suffering for months or even years return to activities they thought they’d never be able to perform again.

The Peripheral Nervous System and Nerve Issues

Your nervous system is separated into two parts: the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS). The CNS, composed of the brain and spinal column, receives and processes the information sent by sensory nerves, as well as sends instructions to motor nerves (both of which are part of the PNS).

When the peripheral nerves are healthy, there is no issue. But if those nerves are weakened or damaged, several adverse symptoms and consequences can arise, such as:

  • Unexplained painful sensations (tingling, zinging, burning, cramping, etc.), which may start out intermittent and mild but greatly increase in both frequency and severity.
  • Muscle weakness and lack of balance or coordination.
  • Gradual loss of ability to walk long distances, drive, engage in physical activities, etc. due to pain, numbness, and lack of muscle strength and coordination.
  • Impaired sleep due to constant pain.
  • Greatly increased risk of severe wounds, injuries, and infections due to total numbness in the feet once the sensory nerves are too damaged to communicate with the brain at all.

Because high blood sugar levels can be poisonous to nerve health, peripheral nerve damage is highly correlated with diabetes. In fact, a majority of people diagnosed with diabetes will develop some degree of neuropathy.

However, you do not need diabetes to have nerve problems. Other possible causes include alcohol abuse, poor diet, exposure to certain medications or toxins, and a variety of genetic and acquired medical conditions.

Common nerve-related foot and ankle diagnoses we treat include:

  • Peripheral neuropathy, a general term for progressive nerve damage that produces many of the symptoms discussed above.
  • Neuromas, which are enlarged, thickened areas of nerve tissue.
  • Entrapped nerves, such as tarsal tunnel syndrome, which occurs when a nerve is subjected to constant pressure due to swelling, injuries, tumors, surgical errors, or any other reason.

What is Neurogenx? 

This is an innovative method to reduce painful symptoms often experienced by patients who are dealing with neuropathy. Neurogenx combines electronic pulses and small amounts of medication to stimulate a damaged nerve while numbing a painful condition. This procedure can decrease pain signals and nerve swelling, improve circulation, and simultaneously create an anti-inflammatory effect. 

How Does Neurogenx Work? 

Neurogenx is non-narcotic and non-invasive. As mentioned earlier, this treatment system uses both electrical stimulation and medication to improve impaired nerves. Sophisticated electronic signals of varying frequencies and amplitudes are delivered through the skin and down to the nerves. These signals have a profound anti-inflammatory effect on the nerve cells, which not only alleviates pain but also helps the body to start healing the damage.

In addition, special balance plates used in the process allow us to record tiny shifts in body weight—ones that are not likely to be noticed without external help. This gives us meaningful, objective measurements we can use to adjust your therapy as necessary. Essentially, this allows us to ensure that your therapy is actually working for you. 

These recorded measurements allow us to understand whether any balance issues are proprioceptive (concerned with body position and movement), vestibular (relating to the parts of the inner ear responsible for our sense of balance), or visual. Knowing this information is helpful in tracking your progress throughout the rehabilitation process, especially so that we can monitor and customize your treatment plan.

What Conditions Does Neurogenx Treat?

Neuropathy that comes from various root causes like chemotherapy, infections, and diabetes can be effectively treated with Neurogenx, but so too can fibromyalgia, restless leg syndrome, neuritis, radiculopathy, complex regional pain syndrome, and even more. 

Patients who have undergone this treatment report decreased use of narcotic pain medication, improved balance, and even better sleep. Neurogenx treatment takes away the needless waking in the middle of the night from pain and allows patients to sleep continuously for extended periods of time. It can also eliminate the fear of falling while walking that many patients who have nerve damage commonly experience. Some treated patients are even able to not only reduce, but completely give up the use of narcotic pain medications.

Although results vary from person to person and no treatment course can be fully guaranteed, about 4 out of 5 patients who undergo Neurogenx treatments experience significant improvement in their symptoms.

Other Treatment Options for Peripheral Neuropathy

Whether or not Neurogenx is recommended as a treatment option for your nerve pain, we will typically also recommend a variety of procedures to help you manage your symptoms and keep the condition from worsening. Some common recommendations include:

  • This approach is mainly used to treat existing pain. Pain relievers, topical treatments, anti-seizure medications, and even antidepressants can all be beneficial in certain cases.
  • Physical therapy. Physical therapy can help improve balance and muscle strength.
  • Dietary If simply switching to a healthier diet isn’t sufficient on its own, we also provide nutritional supplements rich in vitamins proven to promote nerve health.
  • This might be recommended if your nerve problem is the result of physical pressure on a nerve, such as from a tumor or bony deformity.

   Tips for Optimal Nerve Health

The best way to prevent issues from developing is to have strong, healthy nerves—which comes from living a nerve-healthy lifestyle. There are several ways to do this, including:

  • Exercise regularly. As always, make sure to check with us and your primary physician to assess your fitness levels and help you create a safe, effective workout program.
  • Quit all tobacco usage. Smoking and other forms of tobacco use restrict blood vessels and can deprive your nervous system of essential nutrients.
  • Manage diabetes, high blood pressure, and other medical conditions. Diabetes and neuropathy are closely linked, but keeping on top of the disease can lower the risk.
  • Drink lots of water. Staying hydrated is essential for several reasons, and you can add “nerve health” to that list.
  • Eat a balanced diet. Help your nerves by eating a diet centered on fresh veggies, fruits, and whole grains. The nutrients in these foods will protect the nervous system and enable it to function at full capacity.

For more guidance on diet and exercise to help prevent and manage neuropathy, be sure to download our free Neuropathy Health and Wellness Guide!

Professional Nerve Treatment for the Dayton Area

If nerve pain is taking away your ability to perform your favorite activities and diminishing your quality of life, contact Sunshein Podiatry Associates. The medical specialists on our staff are experienced, skilled, and highly knowledgeable, and we all want to help you find the pain relief you need.

Give us a call at (937) 435-7477 to connect with our Centerville, OH office. Our staff will be glad to provide additional information or help set up an appointment at a time that works best for you.


6474 Centerville Business Pkwy, Centerville, OH 45459


Monday: 8am - 5pm
Tuesday: 8am - 5pm
Wednesday: 8am - 5pm
Thursday: 8am - 5pm
Friday: 8am - 2pm

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